Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Amigonian Trilogy
In writing to the Philippians, St. Paul admonishes them not to do anything in the spirit of contention or vain glory saying: “It is God, for His own loving purpose, who puts both the will and the action into you.” Phil. 2:13
So indeed, the Lord, having called Father Luis Amigó to continue His mission of love and redemption in the world, gave him the power to carry it out as His instrument. This charismatic quality was manifested in his spirituality which we call “Amigonian,” derived from the founder’s family, or surname, “Amigó.”
The essence of that spirituality is synthesized tri-dimensionally as Christocentric, Marian, and Franciscan. The synthesis, though somewhat complex, is best understood by a careful study of each dimension.

         The Christocentric Dimension is founded in the love for Christ, Redeemer and Savior, merciful and loving Shepherd, who lives and gives Himself freely and abundantly for the salvation of men.
The Amigonian educator teaches Christian virtue so that the individual will have the capacity to face life with honor and dignity. 
         The Marian dimension is founded in the love and devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows who, at the foot of the cross, lived the passion of Jesus, united herself to Him in a very special way and thus, gave herself to the Father as Co-Redemptrix of the entire human race. 

         The Franciscan dimension is founded in St. Francis the Seraphic Father of the Congregation.
Father Founder (as Capuchin Friar) was inspired by the Seraphic Father, a living image of Christ. Thus, he wanted to leave St. Francis to his sons and daughters as a model of humility, poverty, love for God, and zeal for the salvation of men. 

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