Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Amigonian Youth Zagales

Who are the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd?
The Amigonian Youth Zagales are religious association of Catholic youths whose goals are threefold: (1) the growth in holiness of his/her self or even each member of his/her family, (2) to make them aware about the importance of Christ as Good Shepherd by finding the lost ones of our time and bring them to Jesus whom we considered as Merciful Father and Good Samaritan (2) the spiritual as well as the material support for the Amigonian Mission.

Why the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd needed?
            Jesus said: the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Certainly, the Congregation needs help to be able to fulfill our mission, which is also the mission of the Church.

What are the commitments of the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd?
            As member of the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd, he or she is encouraged to attend every Sunday mass, classes and apostolate. To follow Jesus by keeping the commandments of the Lord and of the Catholic Church and by receiving the sacraments of penance, confession, and especially the holy Eucharistic mass. Every youth is also encouraged to pray the septenary to Our Lady of Sorrows...
More Info...visit-Facebook: "Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd Group"o

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