Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Our educational task is realized:
· In Re-adaptation Institutes
· In Protection or Preservation Centers
· In Homes
· In Observation and Diagnostic Centers
· In Psychopedagogic Consultation Centers
· In Professional and Agricultural Schools
· In Youth Residences
· By means of prophetic mission
· By means of our presence and work in unattended places
· By means of our life testimony
· By means of works to guide, prevent and educate them
Philosophy of our task
Our educational work is based on:
· The Christian understanding of existence
· The declaration of the rights of children
· The inalienable principles of individuality, liberty and solidarity

What do we do?
We share in the universal mission of the church with the specific character transmitted by our founder: re-education of youth. This is our charism. Our founder has this to say:
“You my beloved children constituted by Jesus little shepherds of His flock, are the ones to go after the lost sheep, until you bring them back to the flock of the Good Shepherd”
 Living the spirituality and mission of our congregation, offers us an environment conducive to the integral development of our person in Christ, as well as tested instruction for advancing in a joyful spirit along the road of charity.

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