Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Father Founder

Bishop Luis Amigó y Ferrer
Biographical data of the Venerable
Venerable Luis Amigó was born at Masamagrell (Valencia Spain) on October 17, 1854. He entered the Seminary in Valencia where he finished secondary education. Moved by the desire of perfection, he dedicated to consecrate himself totally to the Lord. On April 12, 1874 he received the habit of St. Francis in the convent of the Capuchin Fathers at   Bayona       (France). He was ordained into priesthood on March 29, 1879. St. Pius X elevated-him to the Episcopal dignity and he was consecrated as bishop on June 9, 1907. He passed away on the    first day of October 1934 at Godella (Valencia).His life and his ardent and fruitful apostolate was inspired by the motto: “I give my life for my sheep.” His love for the youth induced him to found two religious congregations. THE CONGREGATION OF TERTIARY CAPUCHINS  OF THE HOLY FAMILY (WOMEN) on April 27, 1885, and the CONGREGATION OF TERTIARY CAPUCHINS OF THE OUR LADY OF SORROWS (MEN) on April 12, 1889. From Spain the two Congregations spread all over the world.
Venerable Luis Amigo entrusted this to his children: “You my beloved children constituted by Jesus little shepherds of His flock, are the ones to go after the lost sheep, until you bring them back to the flock of the Good Shepherd”; and he gave them, as a model and protectress the Sorrowful Virgin. Inspired by her patronage, the Tertiary Capuchins consider themselves cooperators in the regeneration of the youth.


Amigonian Trilogy
In writing to the Philippians, St. Paul admonishes them not to do anything in the spirit of contention or vain glory saying: “It is God, for His own loving purpose, who puts both the will and the action into you.” Phil. 2:13
So indeed, the Lord, having called Father Luis Amigó to continue His mission of love and redemption in the world, gave him the power to carry it out as His instrument. This charismatic quality was manifested in his spirituality which we call “Amigonian,” derived from the founder’s family, or surname, “Amigó.”
The essence of that spirituality is synthesized tri-dimensionally as Christocentric, Marian, and Franciscan. The synthesis, though somewhat complex, is best understood by a careful study of each dimension.

         The Christocentric Dimension is founded in the love for Christ, Redeemer and Savior, merciful and loving Shepherd, who lives and gives Himself freely and abundantly for the salvation of men.
The Amigonian educator teaches Christian virtue so that the individual will have the capacity to face life with honor and dignity. 
         The Marian dimension is founded in the love and devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows who, at the foot of the cross, lived the passion of Jesus, united herself to Him in a very special way and thus, gave herself to the Father as Co-Redemptrix of the entire human race. 

         The Franciscan dimension is founded in St. Francis the Seraphic Father of the Congregation.
Father Founder (as Capuchin Friar) was inspired by the Seraphic Father, a living image of Christ. Thus, he wanted to leave St. Francis to his sons and daughters as a model of humility, poverty, love for God, and zeal for the salvation of men. 


Our educational task is realized:
· In Re-adaptation Institutes
· In Protection or Preservation Centers
· In Homes
· In Observation and Diagnostic Centers
· In Psychopedagogic Consultation Centers
· In Professional and Agricultural Schools
· In Youth Residences
· By means of prophetic mission
· By means of our presence and work in unattended places
· By means of our life testimony
· By means of works to guide, prevent and educate them
Philosophy of our task
Our educational work is based on:
· The Christian understanding of existence
· The declaration of the rights of children
· The inalienable principles of individuality, liberty and solidarity

What do we do?
We share in the universal mission of the church with the specific character transmitted by our founder: re-education of youth. This is our charism. Our founder has this to say:
“You my beloved children constituted by Jesus little shepherds of His flock, are the ones to go after the lost sheep, until you bring them back to the flock of the Good Shepherd”
 Living the spirituality and mission of our congregation, offers us an environment conducive to the integral development of our person in Christ, as well as tested instruction for advancing in a joyful spirit along the road of charity.

Amigonian Youth Zagales

Who are the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd?
The Amigonian Youth Zagales are religious association of Catholic youths whose goals are threefold: (1) the growth in holiness of his/her self or even each member of his/her family, (2) to make them aware about the importance of Christ as Good Shepherd by finding the lost ones of our time and bring them to Jesus whom we considered as Merciful Father and Good Samaritan (2) the spiritual as well as the material support for the Amigonian Mission.

Why the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd needed?
            Jesus said: the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Certainly, the Congregation needs help to be able to fulfill our mission, which is also the mission of the Church.

What are the commitments of the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd?
            As member of the Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd, he or she is encouraged to attend every Sunday mass, classes and apostolate. To follow Jesus by keeping the commandments of the Lord and of the Catholic Church and by receiving the sacraments of penance, confession, and especially the holy Eucharistic mass. Every youth is also encouraged to pray the septenary to Our Lady of Sorrows...
More Info...visit-Facebook: "Amigonian Youth Zagales of the Good Shepherd Group"o


WE are committed to follow Christ according to the Gospel; we live in fraternity and are consecrated to God in the service of juvenile delinquents.
Mission: To re-educate the juvenile delinquents or astray (wayward) youth.
A person redeemed is a generation saved!
The Origin of Our Mission:
            Fr. Luis started his apostolate with prisoners and juvenile delinquents. This experience constituted the foundational seed of our Congregation. The sad state of many youths today pushed Fr. Luis to think of a preventive work in favor of the young. Thus, he conceived our mission. This is our charism and these are his words: “You my beloved children constituted by Jesus little shepherds of His flock, are the ones to go after the lost sheep, until you bring them back to the flock of the Good Shepherd”.
The Scope of our Mission:
            Our mission is basically directed towards all youths who, in one way or another, have lost the true path of life; those stricken by loneliness and those addicted to drugs and vices; the ignorant and the outcasts who experience rejection from the mainstream of our society; those who need love, acceptance and understanding, guidance, forgiveness and redemption, so that they may feel themselves loved and so lift up their minds and open their hearts to a new light and hope.