Monday, September 1, 2014

Individuals, like St. Francis of Assisi, Venerable Luis Amigó, and others have heard God and have acknowledged His call; without delay they have answered: “Here I am, Lord. What is it you want me to do?”
If you feel called by God, do not hesitate! Take the first step and trust the Lord to do the rest. He will receive you as His disciple for the lost sheep ; he will prepare you to continue His work of salvation, do not hesitate! God needs you and waits for a visible sign of your generosity and love.

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Perhaps you have had the desire to make life better for many who are in need. Have you sometimes thought about this? If so, you have been reminded of a special invitation to serve the Lord!

If you feel called by God, do not hesitate! Take the first step and trust the Lord to do the rest.